Perfume, Xenobiotics, and Perfino
There is a joy in feeling that you have a ‘signature’ perfume, or being complimented that you ‘smell good’.
Unfortunately there is a problem...
Modern-day perfumes contain a lot of chemicals. There are currently over 3000 ingredients used within perfumes 2 3 and unfortunately, these can cause a variety of issues.
Unfortunately there is a problem...
Modern-day perfumes contain a lot of chemicals. There are currently over 3000 ingredients used within perfumes 2 3 and unfortunately, these can cause a variety of issues.
Is Perfume for everyone? By Ella-Rose Cleaver
Perfume is a significant global market which has remained resilient and successful for hundreds of years and continues to evolve. The industry is increasingly prioritising environmentally conscious practises in response to a growth in demand for “natural” cosmetics.